Monday, July 9, 2012


Remember how cool Assassin's Creed was before herp derp aliens?

The only people still playing games like Mortal Kombat 3 or Street Fighter online are the people you will never, ever beat.

Besides occasionally shooting people, the one thing you do in L.A. Noire is ask people questions. Somehow, I suck at this.

I returned Street Fighter X Tekken because E. Honda wasn't added.

I remember back in the day I wanted to play a Pokemon game for the N64. You know, a real one.

What are the chances Rockstar could make a Firefly game? Think about that a minute.

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the N64 had the best video game enemies ever.

Dead Space should be subtitled "Stupid People in Space".

I play Red Dead Redemption with my friend now and then. I tomahawked his horse and he got mauled by a bear.

EA games is the Circuit City of the gaming world.

Seriously. Ubi Soft shouldn't have hired the guy from Ancient Aliens as a writer.

Still waiting for an Army Men: Sarge's Heroes sequel.

The Dead or Alive franchise has a 10:1 babe to hideous men ratio. The Street Fighter franchise has a 10:1 hideous men to babe ratio.

The top ranking Mortal Kombat player also has 1000 of 1000 gamerscore in Just Dance.

All of the party members in Dragon Age are insipid morons. I want to make them all hate my guts. Can I still have sex with them?

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