Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mission Statement: Video Game Seppuku

Think about all the things you've done in video games. I'll go first: I've driven a go-kart on a rainbow as a gorilla wearing a tie, I've ran people over with futuristic ATV's in space, I've exterminated countless populations of (orcs, goblins, falmer, etc), I've failed utterly at "choose-your-own-path" games (KOTOR 1 and 2, specifically), and on and on. But I've never performed seppuku in a video game. Sounds like it could be fun. Imagine a free-range, choose your own destiny game set in medieval Japan where the goal was to play as your samurai and achieve the best death possible. Man, that would be epic. Might even erase the taste of Way of the Samurai 3 from my palette.

 So why the blog? In the wake of Dave Thier's Forbes magazine article on the failure of video game reviewers, I feel somewhat inspired to cast my two cents into the bottomless well we call the internet. Reviews, thoughts, musings, ideas. Some of it might be amusing, a bit might even be useful, even less will be rational. First up: Assassin's Creed.


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